Okay, so admittedly our GenCon experience didn't start until after 1pm today. Seeing as the night before we had stayed up way too late we figured we needed a little down time for the girls. This meant a bit of a sleep-in, lazy morning and family lunch at Boston Pizza (they are colonizing Canada...). Then when we got to GenCon we realized it was more of the business sessions so we did something we haven't done in a looooooong time...we went shopping.

For those of you without kids you need to understand that shopping by yourself, knowing your kids are having a whale of a time in kids club and that you have a three hour window is a rare and dare I say, blissful experience. You also tend to spend more money than you should because you take your time looking at stuff instead of grabbing what you need and hauling your kids out of Winners or Walmart.

Anyways, we did attend some GenCon stuff and here are a few Wednesday observations:

- Yay for the Kids Program! Our girls love their time there and we love their time there...the group is doing an amazing job! Kudos to all of you orange shirted heroes
- read @paulmoores play-by-play from the business sessions...his tweets go from hilarious to gut-splitting to "clean up on aisle 5" funny...
- everyone has a video to show, especially during their annual reports...for the most part they are effective and entertaining though it might be pretty cool if someone did it in Japanese Anime style or like an old time silent movie...
- Shoubert David (yes that's the right way around) is the greatest (and probably only) Assyrian you'll ever meet... he's not at all like the Assyrians you read about in the Bible which is especially good if you're Jewish, Lebanese, Egyptian, Midianite or Hittite. He's the main media/design/chief awesome officer for the PAOC and does a great job making all of us look good.
- Greek food in Edmonton is incredibly expensive...we overpaid for souvlaki because the Sherlock Holmes pub (where a lot of PAOCers were having dinner) wouldn't allow us to bring our kids in...
- at the risk of sounding sexist I'll say this: women worship leaders who rock out with guitars are pretty cool. Well done worship band! As a global worker to Slovakia I can't say I recognize all the songs but I'm just glad to be singing in English!
- I joked with Thomas from Next Level International that Wayne Cordeiro would come onto stage and say, "ALOOOOOOOOOOHA!" to start his session...needless to say I was proven to be a prophet.
- Wayne Cordeiro was good tonight. I like how he could imitate Japanese people (he's Hawaiian but lived in Japan and speaks Japanese) without it sounding racist...He gave a great encouragement to tap open the cages of leaders around us (you had to hear the story to understand that analogy) and encouraged the Baby Boomers to be the champions of the emerging generations.
- David Wells is like Dennis Eckersley or Mariano Rivera...he's the ultimate closer. In closing off the service he brought in deep theology, a call to repentance, corporate prayer and ministry and all sorts of spiritual fastballs...
- I had my first slurpee in about 8 years and within 30 seconds I had my first brain freeze. Unfortunately it occurred while I was driving down 97Ave.
- We're anticipaing some good stuff tomorrow. We are hoping to show up on time.
- The first ever GenCon Tweet Up will be happening around 2pm. Keep checking @armitagecafe or @paulmoores for more information.