Here are my first day observations from my first ever General Conference:

- Every time George Werner comes on stage I have a fleeting hope that he will break out in beatnik poetry.
- There was a lot of handshaking and hugging today in the conference room, not as much pastosterone as I anticipated though
- The trip between the kid's room and the conference room is really long
- The elevator reminds me of something from Expo '86 (very 80s Sci Fi...Thanks for the observation Paul Moores)
- I overheard someone say that their hotel room was "very bling" didn't quite fit this person's it made me chuckle
- you need to meet Matt Janes and Mark Crocker from the STM Network, they are both good guys
- It's great to see the colour, gender and generational mix, though it's still pretty white and male
- The food court is too small
- If you park at Canada Place don't leave and come'll end up paying $20 twice instead of $25 for the whole day
- I'm not sure why I expected the Business Meeting to be livelier than it was...however there were a lot of videos....
- BLUE BALLOTS! YELLOW BALLOTS! Does anyone know what is happening?
- Hurray for Murray!
- The spread at the Missions Reception was awesome...the chocolate dipped strawberries were the size of my daughter's head
- I love being a Pentecostal: there was an utterance in tongues, interpretation and a prophetic word...all before 10:30am
- There is a lot of free candy and coffee being given out. Someone needs to figure out a way to distinguish themselves with their giveaways. What if they gave away packets of instant noodles or prune juice?
- Honor the past and bless the future...well done David Wells...
- Kids can stay up and active for a long time (way past their bedtime) especially missionary kids!
- I love my friends...
- I don't think anyone actually reads this blog...but if you do and want a play by play analysis from the day then follow @armitagecafe or @paulmoores on twitter

What were some of your observations from today?