It's been a great few days.

Friends I haven't seen in decades.
Co-laborers than long for God to be made known in their mission fields.
Inspiring, motivating preaching.
Discussion that helps me frame where this fellowship is headed.
Sharing burdens with friends in ministry that are experiencing pain.
TWEET UP!!! (If you missed it you missed a great time)
Transcend Coffee is truely one of the finest cafes I have ever been in anywhere.

Tweeting. Yeah I Tweet a lot. I'm sorry. Here are my favorite tweets I heard this week:

- "Tap those cages."
- "It's not a list. Don't call it a list. It's an honor roll."
- "We make it ok for people to come to church and do nothing"
- "I plead that the missionary is among the people, not to be lord or master, but to be a brother and a friend".
- "The world has a right to reject the Gospel if (Christians) can't get along as friends".
- "The mission of God in someones life is not fully realized unless they are relationally engaged with others."
- "David Hazzard made a joke. Moderately successful. A committee will evaluate it and report to the next Gen.Con."

Love all you guys. Thanks for participating in the dialogue. We'll see you around.
