So, we are sitting here at Starbucks at the first ever GenCon Tweet up and the conversation has turned towards insecurities. The realization is that EVERY Generation has insecurities. The old towards the young, the male towards the female, the Baby Boomer towards the Gen Xer and the Gen Xer towards the Baby Boomer and the Millennial towards the Gen Xer....

Perhaps we need to have a moment at GenCon whereby we have a Builder, Baby Boomer, Gen Xer and Millennial leader stand up on stage and talk about what they are insecure about. They may not be able to be a spokesperson for their whole generation but we might have some clearer ideas of what we are afraid of and once we name those fears we'll realize that we are actually a safer place than we realize and that we can accept each other without fear...because perfect love drives out all fear.

So if you are brave enough why don't you tell us what your insecurities are, especially about leadership, church and ministry....