GenCon 2010

It's been a great few days.

Friends I haven't seen in decades.
Co-laborers than long for God to be made known in their mission fields.
Inspiring, motivating preaching.
Discussion that helps me frame where this fellowship is headed.
Sharing burdens with friends in ministry that are experiencing pain.
TWEET UP!!! (If you missed it you missed a great time)
Transcend Coffee is truely one of the finest cafes I have ever been in anywhere.

Tweeting. Yeah I Tweet a lot. I'm sorry. Here are my favorite tweets I heard this week:

- "Tap those cages."
- "It's not a list. Don't call it a list. It's an honor roll."
- "We make it ok for people to come to church and do nothing"
- "I plead that the missionary is among the people, not to be lord or master, but to be a brother and a friend".
- "The world has a right to reject the Gospel if (Christians) can't get along as friends".
- "The mission of God in someones life is not fully realized unless they are relationally engaged with others."
- "David Hazzard made a joke. Moderately successful. A committee will evaluate it and report to the next Gen.Con."

Love all you guys. Thanks for participating in the dialogue. We'll see you around.



So, we are sitting here at Starbucks at the first ever GenCon Tweet up and the conversation has turned towards insecurities. The realization is that EVERY Generation has insecurities. The old towards the young, the male towards the female, the Baby Boomer towards the Gen Xer and the Gen Xer towards the Baby Boomer and the Millennial towards the Gen Xer....

Perhaps we need to have a moment at GenCon whereby we have a Builder, Baby Boomer, Gen Xer and Millennial leader stand up on stage and talk about what they are insecure about. They may not be able to be a spokesperson for their whole generation but we might have some clearer ideas of what we are afraid of and once we name those fears we'll realize that we are actually a safer place than we realize and that we can accept each other without fear...because perfect love drives out all fear.

So if you are brave enough why don't you tell us what your insecurities are, especially about leadership, church and ministry....


TWEETUP. 3pm at the Starbucks on Jasper close to Shaw. Topic: Is the Emerging Generation over? Please RT.

Bring your favourite Boomer, Xer, Millennial with you...

Open discussion over coffee...

Who's on your list?

Listening to the sermon right now and been a bit enlightened about The List (people Paul mentions by name at the end of his letters, for those of you following from home). People who were important to Paul seem inconsequential to us as we rush through the end of the epistle to get to the next one. And yet, none of us would be here without our own list.

There are a few types of people in this world, especially in ministry: people you don't know, people you've heard of, people you've met, people you know, people you like, people you work with and people you do battle with. The last group are the ones who share life with you, beyond a coffee or two at Starbucks. These are the ones who go into the trenches with you and want you to succeed even more than they want to succeed. I think these are the type of people that I would put on my list.

So, role-play time. If you were Paul and you were writing a final letter...who would you put on your list?

This is an interactive question. We want people to answer the question on this blog. So go for it, even anonymously, write your list today:


Being at the Con. you are inevitably catching up with a lot of people. There are SO many people here that I haven't seen in 10+ years (unless you count Facebook). This week has been, for me, the relational equivalent of drinking from a fire-hose. Almost without exception, the journeys of my long lost friends have been marked by intense pain.

I love seeing God's people honestly acknowledge their pain and let that pain shape who they are in a good way. I've seen intense brokenness since I've been here. I'd never wish ill on my brothers and sister in Christ but I've gotta think that the humility, desperation, spiritual tenacity, radical trust, and deep hope I see through them is beautiful.

I hope I can tap on a few cages today. I want to start walking out that Word before I even leave this place. Let's finish strong at the Con. my friends. Have a great day.

Random Observations From Today (Wednesday)

Okay, so admittedly our GenCon experience didn't start until after 1pm today. Seeing as the night before we had stayed up way too late we figured we needed a little down time for the girls. This meant a bit of a sleep-in, lazy morning and family lunch at Boston Pizza (they are colonizing Canada...). Then when we got to GenCon we realized it was more of the business sessions so we did something we haven't done in a looooooong time...we went shopping.

For those of you without kids you need to understand that shopping by yourself, knowing your kids are having a whale of a time in kids club and that you have a three hour window is a rare and dare I say, blissful experience. You also tend to spend more money than you should because you take your time looking at stuff instead of grabbing what you need and hauling your kids out of Winners or Walmart.

Anyways, we did attend some GenCon stuff and here are a few Wednesday observations:

- Yay for the Kids Program! Our girls love their time there and we love their time there...the group is doing an amazing job! Kudos to all of you orange shirted heroes
- read @paulmoores play-by-play from the business sessions...his tweets go from hilarious to gut-splitting to "clean up on aisle 5" funny...
- everyone has a video to show, especially during their annual reports...for the most part they are effective and entertaining though it might be pretty cool if someone did it in Japanese Anime style or like an old time silent movie...
- Shoubert David (yes that's the right way around) is the greatest (and probably only) Assyrian you'll ever meet... he's not at all like the Assyrians you read about in the Bible which is especially good if you're Jewish, Lebanese, Egyptian, Midianite or Hittite. He's the main media/design/chief awesome officer for the PAOC and does a great job making all of us look good.
- Greek food in Edmonton is incredibly expensive...we overpaid for souvlaki because the Sherlock Holmes pub (where a lot of PAOCers were having dinner) wouldn't allow us to bring our kids in...
- at the risk of sounding sexist I'll say this: women worship leaders who rock out with guitars are pretty cool. Well done worship band! As a global worker to Slovakia I can't say I recognize all the songs but I'm just glad to be singing in English!
- I joked with Thomas from Next Level International that Wayne Cordeiro would come onto stage and say, "ALOOOOOOOOOOHA!" to start his session...needless to say I was proven to be a prophet.
- Wayne Cordeiro was good tonight. I like how he could imitate Japanese people (he's Hawaiian but lived in Japan and speaks Japanese) without it sounding racist...He gave a great encouragement to tap open the cages of leaders around us (you had to hear the story to understand that analogy) and encouraged the Baby Boomers to be the champions of the emerging generations.
- David Wells is like Dennis Eckersley or Mariano Rivera...he's the ultimate closer. In closing off the service he brought in deep theology, a call to repentance, corporate prayer and ministry and all sorts of spiritual fastballs...
- I had my first slurpee in about 8 years and within 30 seconds I had my first brain freeze. Unfortunately it occurred while I was driving down 97Ave.
- We're anticipaing some good stuff tomorrow. We are hoping to show up on time.
- The first ever GenCon Tweet Up will be happening around 2pm. Keep checking @armitagecafe or @paulmoores for more information.

Random Observations From Today

Here are my first day observations from my first ever General Conference:

- Every time George Werner comes on stage I have a fleeting hope that he will break out in beatnik poetry.
- There was a lot of handshaking and hugging today in the conference room, not as much pastosterone as I anticipated though
- The trip between the kid's room and the conference room is really long
- The elevator reminds me of something from Expo '86 (very 80s Sci Fi...Thanks for the observation Paul Moores)
- I overheard someone say that their hotel room was "very bling" didn't quite fit this person's it made me chuckle
- you need to meet Matt Janes and Mark Crocker from the STM Network, they are both good guys
- It's great to see the colour, gender and generational mix, though it's still pretty white and male
- The food court is too small
- If you park at Canada Place don't leave and come'll end up paying $20 twice instead of $25 for the whole day
- I'm not sure why I expected the Business Meeting to be livelier than it was...however there were a lot of videos....
- BLUE BALLOTS! YELLOW BALLOTS! Does anyone know what is happening?
- Hurray for Murray!
- The spread at the Missions Reception was awesome...the chocolate dipped strawberries were the size of my daughter's head
- I love being a Pentecostal: there was an utterance in tongues, interpretation and a prophetic word...all before 10:30am
- There is a lot of free candy and coffee being given out. Someone needs to figure out a way to distinguish themselves with their giveaways. What if they gave away packets of instant noodles or prune juice?
- Honor the past and bless the future...well done David Wells...
- Kids can stay up and active for a long time (way past their bedtime) especially missionary kids!
- I love my friends...
- I don't think anyone actually reads this blog...but if you do and want a play by play analysis from the day then follow @armitagecafe or @paulmoores on twitter

What were some of your observations from today?
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