There are a few types of people in this world, especially in ministry: people you don't know, people you've heard of, people you've met, people you know, people you like, people you work with and people you do battle with. The last group are the ones who share life with you, beyond a coffee or two at Starbucks. These are the ones who go into the trenches with you and want you to succeed even more than they want to succeed. I think these are the type of people that I would put on my list.
So, role-play time. If you were Paul and you were writing a final letter...who would you put on your list?
This is an interactive question. We want people to answer the question on this blog. So go for it, even anonymously, write your list today:
Great AM Session,
My "Honor Roll" includes; my parents, Bill Morrow, Greg Janz, Jim Logan, Guy/Barb Powell and my wife - to nme a few.
Indeed, many of us are turtles on fences!
i'd put my grandfather on my list - sitting on the tractor with him as a kid, he taught me so much about the christian life.
This has been a time GC2010 when wisps of the Holy Ghost have actually been allowed to swirl through - thank you for that. To actually pray to actually worship. The encouragement of Leah and servant hood-thank you. Myrna Emerson
My Honor roll includes
Ken Bombay- got my start in ministry with Ken as an intern in Calgary First Assembly. Over the years Ken has "shown up" at critical moments to pray and encourage.
I thank God for Ken and Joan
Marvin Wojda
This has been history in the making. We look to a glorious future. in Jesus.
great conference. Reminded me of the importance of speaking truth into the lives of others and building deep relationships
I thank God for...
Doug and Wanda who have invested in me and helped me stay in the ministry.
Great, Great, Great. Seamless ministry, marvelous theme; building, restoring, reinvigorating, days.
Being here at conference, I'm reminded of the privilege it is to serve God with such an amazing family, and am humbled that I'm part of what God is doing through PAOC! my honour roll would include my grandpa, Ervin Hallden, who's up there cheering me on; Mark Lewis; Debbie Funk, and others who continually pour into my life in small but significant ways.
Tonia Pankova
I have enjoyed the confrence very much... i would have liked to have seen more diversity of styles of music...hillsongs are good but honoring other musical tastes is also a blessing..
I wish I could have been to more sessions. It is hard when the conference in the same town as you work. Loved what I could get to.
I would say Laura & John Chesher, Shirley Taitinger, and Nancy Hunter.
I would say Fred Craddock - who I listened to preach that sermon from Romans 16 - about 20 years ago. It was so good of a homeletic from Dr. Gordon Franklin that Fred Craddock used it as well.
Dr. Franklin preached Fred Craddocks message.
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