Not off to a great start for Gen2010...we left the house at 8:30 and arrived late; had to register, overpaid for bagels, coffees and juice; had to drop off the girls at children's group and then walk all the way back to the conference centre only to seats.

But at least there's wifi...

We have seen loads of great friends already. It's like an all-star weekend of people I like to hangout with. Perhaps this is the greatest part of GenCon, especially one called, "Rooted in Relationship," to hangout with people you enjoy doing life and ministry with.

George Wood is up now and he's bringing it. The thing that is always amazing me about men and women who have a great vintage and legacy in ministry is their ability to tell great stories about their childhood, development in ministry and things they encountered as they helped reveal the kingdom. I'm lucky if I can remember what happened last month. Call it young parent amnesia or media overload but I know I've got some stories to tell, it's just that I can't access them. Perhaps I need to defrag my memory a bit.

So, this is one of the things I'm going to try to take from this conference...sharing time and life with my friends but also entering into the legacy of memories and war stories that are available to me by talking to those who have been in ministry a little longer than me. Everyone has a story to tell. So what's yours?