Here are my first day observations from my first ever General Conference:
- There was a lot of handshaking and hugging today in the conference room, not as much pastosterone as I anticipated though
- The trip between the kid's room and the conference room is really long
- The elevator reminds me of something from Expo '86 (very 80s Sci Fi...Thanks for the observation Paul Moores)
- I overheard someone say that their hotel room was "very bling" didn't quite fit this person's it made me chuckle
- you need to meet Matt Janes and Mark Crocker from the STM Network, they are both good guys
- It's great to see the colour, gender and generational mix, though it's still pretty white and male
- The food court is too small
- If you park at Canada Place don't leave and come'll end up paying $20 twice instead of $25 for the whole day
- I'm not sure why I expected the Business Meeting to be livelier than it was...however there were a lot of videos....
- BLUE BALLOTS! YELLOW BALLOTS! Does anyone know what is happening?
- Hurray for Murray!
- The spread at the Missions Reception was awesome...the chocolate dipped strawberries were the size of my daughter's head
- I love being a Pentecostal: there was an utterance in tongues, interpretation and a prophetic word...all before 10:30am
- There is a lot of free candy and coffee being given out. Someone needs to figure out a way to distinguish themselves with their giveaways. What if they gave away packets of instant noodles or prune juice?
- Honor the past and bless the future...well done David Wells...
- Kids can stay up and active for a long time (way past their bedtime) especially missionary kids!
- I love my friends...
- I don't think anyone actually reads this blog...but if you do and want a play by play analysis from the day then follow @armitagecafe or @paulmoores on twitter
What were some of your observations from today?
Sheldon...great post. A very entertaining look at the family through your glasses! I'll be waiting for more from here at MCS Headquarters (!) in Toronto.
Rich, get back to work.
love you bro,
PS i want to win this laptop.
I have been loving conference. The Sessions have been great and the fellowship have been really fun. I would love to come more often. The one thing I have a thought on is I wonder if the "younger" guys (more my age) really understand the importance of voting in the business sessions. I know that it sometime may seem not the funniest part of the weekend but we need to learn to the important of being part of the vote because that is where the change takes place. We can not change things by sitting outside the woting bar 10 feet away with guys we always have coffee with. I am all for realtionship. If you know me I trive on relationships but we need to learn how to do both business and relationship on an week like this. Some might say well my vote does not count. In those situations you really do not understand the importance you hold and that is what we need to really teach cradential holders about. Alot of people in the world do not have the opportunity to speak into the process and we here in the Canada for the most part believe that process is not import by not voting. If you do not vote in the business sesions you have no right to complain. "Us" younger guys (me included) need to pick up the ball and be in the business sessions and speak for what we believe in. "I am just saying"
Thanks for such a great conference. The speakers have challenged us to remember all those who have contributed to our success in ministry.
I thank God upon every remembrance of you....
Thanks for the wonderful worship experience - it`s like having someone draw water for dry and thirsty souls.
Also, the plenary messages have been great topics, and wonderfully presented in varied styles - delightful!
Marvin Dueck
The addition of the new Web Streaming has proven to be tremendous tool for me at this conference.
It was an 18 hour journey on Monday to get to GC2010 - feeling quite exhausted, I was able to rest on day two and not miss any of the conference activities.
My pastor friend who was not able to attend was also appreciative for this opportunity to watch the sessions . Great IT idea. It's possibilities are unlimited as we move forward with the PAOC
My First General Conference
I thank God that I`ve had this opportunity to be here this week. I feel refreshed and energized. The worship has been powerful and the speakers annointed.
It`s my first Gen Conference. And I`m amazed by God`s glory and power during the services. Thanks to every one who organized the conference and thanks to all preachers. Hey, God really uses you in my life!
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